M39 (3) Water treatment additives plant - N GAUGE -
Picture includes illustration of model when completed, requires assembly and painting.
Model can easily be used on its own in a variety of modelling scenarios to add visual interest.
Industrial water treatment facilities cover a multitude of activities as part of the purification process before water can be returned to rivers and municipal drainage systems after use in manufacturing processes. Sometimes used water is recycled for local reuse but further processes must take place to eliminate possible health risks. One important activity is the volume regulation of additives with mixing blender and multi-pump equipment being utilised. Typical applications include neutralization, sludge control, pH control, softening, coagulation, SO2 scrubbing, sedimentation, odour control and fluoridation. The size of equipment is related to the amount water being treated and the levels of contaminants present. Also the relating interconnected pipework and valve equipment can be very complex.
We have selected an external type medium sized multi-pumping and mixing equipment covering both granular and fluid forms of additives. Limited pipework has been incorporated covering supply and distribution all running down to ground level, suitable for N-Gauge 1:148 to 1:160 scale size modelling. If required additional pipework and fittings can be introduced to further interlink with other water processing tanks etc. With the majority of pipework to and from this equipment having a relatively small bore we suggest 0.5mm brass-wire or similar be used, although our pump selection kit is available separately and may be useful.